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BootStrap Interview Questions

BootStrap Interview Questions

Bootstrap is a framework that helps companies develop a series of questions to ask job candidates. It also includes tools for job applicants so they have the chance to prepare themselves beforehand.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most common questions asked in interviews and give you some pointers on how you can prepare for them.

How does one prepare for a bootstrap interview?

One should practice writing answers to these questions before going into the interview. One should note that they are not trying to fool or trick anyone with their ramblings during an interview, but rather show that they have put some thought into why their skills and experience are a good fit for a certain role.

Why Bootstrap is used in website designing

Bootstrap is used in website designing because it gives developers a quick and easy way to get started with their project. It provides a modular system that allows developers to quickly add components to their layouts. Furthermore, Bootstrap offers intuitive grid system that makes it easier for website designers to create layouts.

Bootstrap allows designers to quickly create layouts by providing an intuitive grid system that makes it easy for them to build layouts easily without spending too much time on their projects.

What is a Bootstrap Container, and how does it work?

A Bootstrap Container is a JavaScript object that is used to encapsulate HTML UI components, add functionality, and add styles. This library has been developed by Twitter.

Bootstrap containers provide an easy way for developers to add functionality and styles to their web pages without adding multiple classes on the page.

What is bootstrap grid system?

The grid system has 6 columns with different widths which are 12%, 16%, 18% wide, 20%, 22% wide and 100%.

Bootstrap grid system is a responsive layout composed of 12 columns with varying widths which are 12%, 16%, 18% wide, 20%, 22% wide and 100%.

Difference between bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5

Bootstrap is a front-end framework for crafting web pages and other interactive experiences. It makes it easy to design responsive layouts, responsive forms, navigation bars, modals, and more. Bootstrap 4 was released in August 2014.

Bootstrap 5 was released on September 14th 2017 after three years of development. We should not worry about breaking our apps or websites because of changes in Bootstrap 5. The framework has improved significantly to provide support for VueJS, AngularJS 2+, Ionic 3+ and React Native 2+. Moreover, Bootstrap 5 comes with an entirely new grid system called Flexbox Grid System which makes it easier to build layouts with dynamic content.

What is a Button Group, and what is the class for a basic Button Group?

A Button Group is a way to group UI components. It is a container for all the buttons of the Bootstrap Framework. A Button Group can be implemented as a subclass of button or as a widget that is attached to a button.

The class for a basic Button Group is BootstrapButtonGroup .

Button Group is one of the basic HTML classes provided by Bootstrap which is used to create interactive user interface elements like buttons, switches, alerts etc. The Button Group class also has some useful utility functions like toggle() that allows you to toggle the display of an element.

The Button Group class contains reset() function which can be used in order to reset an element back to its initial state so it doesn’t get stuck in an inactive state.

What is a breadcrumb in Bootstrap?

Breadcrumbs in Bootstrap can be either simple or complex. The two most common types are:

– Breadcrumb: A single item that’s displayed at the top of the webpage, such as “home”,

– BreadcrumbNavigation: A set of links representing where the user is on the webpage when he or she clicks on each one option in a header.

What contextual classes can be used to style the panels?

The panel classes in Bootstrap can be used to style panels. The panel classes have a number of contextual classes that can be used to style the panels.

The contextual classes are:

* Panel-success: adds a green border to the panel

* Header-success: adds a green border to the header, and underlines the header text

* Footer-success: adds a red border to the footer, and underlines the footer text

Bootstrap contextual classes allow you to style the panels in your website using HTML and CSS.

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that makes building responsive websites or web apps easier. It has built-in classes for many things like text, backgrounds, layouts, typography, forms and more. There are also many third-party plugins that expand the possibilities of Bootstrap.

Here is a list of contextual classes that can be used to style the panels in your website:

body font_size_sm font_color font_weight text background image icon bar icon icon_bar icon_barbg icon_barhover icon icon__bar icon__barhover icon__barbg

How to create alert in bootstrap?

The bootstrap alert is a shortcode that can be used to display a message to visitors.

Bootstrap offers 2 types of alerts – modal and popover. The first one is like a dialog box that appears on top of the page and it requires users to click and interact with it and hence becomes an interruption on the UI (User Interface). The latter is like a floating window with some content, not requiring any interaction from users but also less interruptive than the first type of alert.

What is use of input groups in bootstrap?

Input groups are used in Bootstrap because not every page needs every component. The fewer number of components that are included on each page, the easier it will be for developers to create websites with them because they don’t need to modify code on each page – this also makes it easy for developers to override stylesheets without having to worry about how their changes will look like together with existing style sheets.

How many type of media objects are available in bootstrap?

Bootstrap includes three primary types of media objects: text-, image-, and video-based. These three types of media objects are all important for different scenarios and audiences – but they also have some key differences from one another.

What is bootstrap pagination and how are they classified?

Bootstrap pagination is the process of displaying data with no outside data source. It can be classified into two categories – front-pagination and back-pagination.

Front-Pagination: This is the process where you have a heading at the top of your content that says, “Page 1”, “Page 2”, etc. This helps you to create a new page for each division of your content.

Back-Pagination: This is the process where you have any number of pages before “Page 1”. The new page would be created by adding an extra row after every row in the last page.

What is a progress bar?

A progress bar in bootstrap is used to display the loading state of something. It typically appears on the screen when a user is doing something like uploading files or using a resource.

This progress bar can be used for other things like populating data in a table, displaying loading times for actions or showing time elapsed so far.

A progress bar is a mechanism that displays the progress of a process. It helps users see how close they are to completing a task. The progress bar in bootstrap is usually located at the bottom of the page and it’s made up of three groups: 0-100%,20%- 80%, and >80%.

Explain the modal in Bootstrap4

Modals are a type of pop-up window that often appears when you click on a button. They allow the user to make selections from a list of options. In Bootstrap4 they can be created using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS.

In the past, Bootstrap had two different ways of creating modals – one through JavaScript and one through CSS. However, in version 4.0 it adopted a single method – via the new modal component that was introduced in Bootstrap 4.

What is Bootstrap’s collapsing elements?

The collapsing content feature in Bootstrap’s CSS framework lets you collapse an element when it reaches the bottom of the page. It comes in handy for when you want to create a sidebar that appears on smaller screens or if you just want to save space.

Collapsing elements are hidden content areas, which gets revealed when the user clicks on an item in the navigation bar or header on the website. The button’s color changes to highlight the content area on hover and clicking on it collapses it back down again.

Bootstrap’s collapsing elements provide more space on smaller screens so users don’t have to scroll all over the page. They also serve as navigation for users who want less clutter on their site.

What is lead in bootstrap?

The .lead class is used for larger font & tall lines that are more distinct.

What is a scrollspy in Bootstrap?

A scrollspy is a form of user interface element that allows users to see what is currently on the screen. It is also known as a “scroll bar”. Scrollbars are most commonly used in web browsers, but can be implemented in other software programs.

Scrollspys are used in Bootstrap to make it easier for users to access content on the site. They can be implemented by using CSS or JavaScript. Scrollspys are useful when there are long pages with many items, where you cannot view all of them at once.

Scrollspys typically appear as a thin rectangle below the website’s content area and move relative to the document as the user moves their mouse up and down.

What is a toast and what are the main components of a toast in Bootstrap?

Toasts are the little squares that appear towards end of a website. These are usually shown as a content box containing text, images, buttons and other elements. Toasts are also an important component in Bootstrap layout as they provide a way to break up content visually and build a consistent theme.

The anatomy of a toast in Bootstrap is simple – there is one main category that contains all the different types of components that make up this space on the website:

– Title – Content block with text

– Button – Text with image next to it

– Image – Static image

Explain Glyphicons in Bootstrap 3?

Glyphicons are used in Bootstrap to create scalable, modern icons. They are made up of glyphs that are used as an open source icon library.

The Glyphicons package is primarily made up of standard symbols, but it also includes some extras like the copyright sign and the internet sign. Glyphicons are commonly found across UI kits and framework libraries like Zurb Foundation or Twitter Bootstrap.

To use Glyphicons in your Bootstrap 3 project, you will need to download and import them from Glyphicon’s website. They come as a compressed file with zip extension which you can easily open with a program like WinZip. Once they are uncompressed, you can upload them into your project’s CSS folder using a FTP client or a file manager app on your computer.

Is there any relationship between Bootstrap and JavaScript?

There is no direct relationship between Bootstrap and JavaScript because they are not developed by the same designer and developer team

Name some alternatives to Bootstrap.

There are several alternatives to Bootstrap that can help us with web design:

  • Foundation
  • Bulma
  • Materialize
  • Material Design Lite
  • Skeleton
  • Pure CSS
  • Semantic UI
  • Uikit

What is flexbox in Bootstrap 4?

Flexbox makes it easier to create responsive layouts with CSS. You can set up vertical and horizontal spacing, align items, and wrap items with other items. Layouts can be easily customized without having to use any images or JavaScript for this purpose.

What is the class used to give a Bootstrap 4 table a dark color?

On Bootstrap 4, you can use the .table-dark class to give a table a darker color.

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