Not everything is drawing and editing in the life of a designer, but it goes far beyond that. The graphic design covers various areas with professional branches different from each other, which are even studied individually. The knowledge of various types would help you choose the best graphic design training institute in Gurgaon. The city is an IT hub. It would be great if you choose one there.
At present, there are several branches that go together to form what is called a Graphic Design. These are the following:
Editorial Design
It is the area that is responsible for designing all kinds of publications and written content, either for informational purposes or for entertainment purposes. In some cases, illustrations, photographic content and animations are also used. You can work with books, magazines or even newspapers, both in printed physical form or in digital format.
Advertising Design
It is responsible for designing content with the specific purpose of advertising. In this way, the content is adapted in any of its media and formats, with the aim of convincing or transmitting a specific message to the audience. This area of design involves marketing techniques, and even psychology is used to design the advertising message to be transmitted.
Photographic Edition
This area of design goes hand in hand with the profession of a Photographer. However, a photo editor goes beyond the basic photography edition. In this branch of design, the expression of emotions and feelings is sought through photo editing. It also seeks to apply complex and creative compositions in quest of generating unique content. With this branch of design, it is possible to work for advertising agencies, media, companies or freelance.
User Experience Design
It is one of the most recent graphic design areas. It emerged with the need to facilitate the use and access of users through digital interfaces. It involves everything related to the graphic user interfaces for electronic devices, digital applications for mobile and desktop, electronic and digital devices, among others. It is a sector that presents a high demand from companies that are dedicated to the manufacture or design of these items.

Web Design
Web design is the branch that is responsible for designing web pages and graphic interfaces. A web designer should be responsible for designing the structure of a web page, making sketches, defining colours, fonts, screen sizes, among other things. Web design can go hand in hand with the use of website programming software, or they can be done as individual areas. You can work freelance, or in advertising agencies or media houses.
3D Animation
This branch of the design can be used in different applications, such as advertising, illustration or even creation of multimedia content. 3D animation is responsible for shaping objects, drawings or typographies that are in a 2D plane in 3 dimensions. It is something widely used in marketing agencies.
Packaging Design
Packaging design is the area that is responsible for the design of packaging and product packages. The products are designed based on presenting a visual appeal to users. Various marketing and even psychology techniques are used in this area of design.
Textile Design
This type of graphic design covers the design of textiles such as clothing, working with different sectors and consumers. You can even create your own line of clothing or textile products.
when it comes to Graphic Design, many people may think that it is a profession that deals mainly with drawings. Well, one of the branches of graphic design is drawing. However, the illustrators are not simple cartoonists, but they apply various sophisticated visual and compositional techniques to develop their work. They usually work in publishers, design agencies, magazines and newspapers and advertising agencies.
Corporate Identity Design
It is one of the areas of design that are most common in advertising agencies. The Corporate Identity Design is responsible for creating the image of a company, through the design of logos and what is known as “Branding”. It is an area that requires knowledge of marketing and marketing.
Multimedia Edition
it is one of the broadest branches of web design. It is responsible for creating visual and multimedia content, either through photographs, animations, text, visual effects and sounds. It is a widely required area in marketing and advertising agencies, as it is required for the creation of advertising spots, trailers, videos aimed at specific audiences, among others.
Typographic Design
text and calligraphy, involves much more than most people imagine. It certainly is one of the most complex branches of design. It involves the creation of various types of calligraphy and texts, using various techniques and compositions. It is one of the oldest design disciplines.
Digital tools for graphic design
As in many other professions, graphic designers have various tools to do their job.
In the past, the tools that were used were part of an extremely complex production process. Today, the advancement of technology has modified these tools, and even the way designers work. Therefore, digitalisation has been fully imposed in this profession.
While many of the design areas can use various tools, many of them are non-digital, it is true that today these programs have facilitated the task of a graphic designer. Even many of them have a wide variety of functions and can be used in various fields of design.
Many people think that because there are digital tools that can be downloaded on a computer, the work of a graphic designer is effortless, or that anyone can do it with a couple of hours of practice. However, this thought is very wrong. The training from a good graphic design course in Gurgaon would be great.
To be able to use a program with these characteristics in a professional manner, hundreds of hours of practice and study are required to understand it fully. Only being able to have the right knowledge to be able to make the most of everything that a program with these characteristics offers us, takes several months of study and practice, or even years.
Besides, many of the design areas use advertising and marketing knowledge, drawing techniques and geometric composition. Some even need knowledge of certain areas of psychology. Therefore, in order to use these tools professionally, a lot of practice and training is needed.