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Best Email Marketing Subject Lines

Email Marketing Subject Lines

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing can be defined as the process of sending newsletters or messages to selected customers or the general public to promote a product, service, organisation or opinion.

The term is often used interchangeably with “e-marketing” due to the popularity of internet technology.

By using email marketing, businesses are able to reach their intended audience with less effort and at a low cost. It also has the potential to be highly targeted and personalised in nature by collecting customer data in order to provide them with information that is relevant and valuable for them.

Email marketing is the process of gaining customer interest in a product or service, creating interactions with customers and increasing sales.

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels. It’s inexpensive to set up and maintain, has an excellent delivery rate, and delivers results that are measurable. With this strategy, your business can reach your customer when they’re most receptive to your message.

Why email marketing subject lines are important?

Email marketing is one of the most popular ways to reach your audience and generate leads. One of the most important parts of email marketing is the subject line, which can affect a person’s decision to open or not open an email by up to 97%.

Subjects lines are a critical part of successful email campaigns. They need to be concise, well written and convey your message in a clear manner. Subject lines should be relevant to what you’re talking about in the body of the email because that will make it much more likely that people will read it.

Email marketing subject lines are crucial for getting people’s attention and making them take action because they form first impressions. The subject line of an email is the most important element, it decides whether a reader will open the email or not.

In recent years, email marketing has been a very popular tactic for both small and large companies. It helps businesses to reach out to their customers in a more personal way. But many people make the mistake of thinking that all they need is a catchy subject line when they create an email campaign. In reality, what the sender writes in the subject line determines if people will open or click on their emails or not.

Different Components of Email Marketing Subject lines

Subject lines are not just for catching attention, they are also used to provide context to the readers.

Subject lines are the first thing people see when they open an email which can make or break your marketing efforts.

Subject lines need to be brief and effective so that it gets the attention of the recipients. The subject line needs to have a call-to-action or a strong promise of value, otherwise it will get ignored and you’ll lose out on potential leads.

This section talks about different components of email marketing subject lines:    


Context is an important factor for email subject lines. The subject line should be related to the content of the email, and the recipient should be able to accurately determine what will happen if they open it.

The context components in the subject line can be used to highlight keywords, provide additional information about the content, or offer call-to-actions. For example, if the message is about a new product, then words like “new” or “introducing” could be used in the subject line to entice people into opening the email message.


The call-to-action components of subject lines are what make these decisions possible. It is responsible for determining the success of the email marketing campaign. It help marketers generate engagement with their customers and increase sales. For this, there are four components that we need to consider

Some call-to-action components that can be incorporated into subject lines are:

  1. Urgency
  2. Personalization
  3. Repetition
  4. Simplicity
  5. Authority

Promises of Value

The subject line of an email is the first thing a recipient sees and is the most important element of an email. Given the importance of this element, it’s imperative to maximize its potential by using persuasive techniques such as advertising values and social values.


Words can be powerful. They can be used to tell stories, to evoke feelings, to share knowledge and create connections between people. They can also be used to convince someone to buy a product.

The subject line is crucial because it makes up 60% of an email’s readability score. If you get the subject line right, there is a good chance that the content will also be readable since the subject line has grabbed the user’s interest.

Subject lines that are personalised and emotionally charged are more likely to work well than those that sound generic or too promotional in nature.

An example is that “Get Your Free Guide” is more likely to garner attention than “Please Read This”.


The best way to create an effective subject line is to use a combination of interesting words. These can be words that are currently trending or popular, or they can be words that are related to the product being sold. It is also wise to include a call-to-action or ask for an immediate response, as this will show that the sender values their customer’s time and wants them to take action now.


The goal of a good email marketing subject line is to be as concise as possible. Many people believe that a long subject line with a lot of words is better, but this isn’t the case. A long email marketing subject line can often lead to many unsubscribes.

This is because people will often feel overwhelmed by the amount of words and images they see, and will unsubscribe as a result.

In contrast, a concise subject line will ensure that no one unsubscribes from your newsletter as they don’t want to spend their time scrolling through all the text in order to find what they’re looking for.

Easy to understand

The most common mistake that people do when writing subject lines is that they write them in a very complicated way.

This is not what you should do when writing a subject line for your email marketing campaign.

The subject line is the first and easiest opportunity to capture someone’s attention and convince them to read your email.

#1: The first word should be a verb that describes what you want the reader to do. It should be clear and concise, but not overly long.

#2: The second word should be a noun that describes what you’re talking about. This is your opportunity to succinctly state the offer at hand.

Clear call-to-action

A call-to-action is a way of informing your customers that they should take some specific action. It can also be called a “call to action” or “CTA”. When it comes to email marketing, you want to get your customers to click on your links. One way you can do this is by including a clear call-to-action in your subject line.

There are certain words that are sought after when it comes to call-to-actions in general, and in email marketing specifically. For example, words like free or discount will trigger an instinctive response from readers because they want what they perceive as a bargain or want an item for free.

Some of the most popular CTAs are:

  • Click here for free consultation
  • Click here to download our ebook

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